Mount And Blade Warband Best Weapons

There is no more effective combat character than the horse archer, who usually carries a good slashing weapon, a bow that's no more than four points below your Power Draw, and two quivers of arrows. The problem with such a character is that it requires an awful lot of skill point investment.If you are going with a leader type character, you want a sword and board combo, so that you can still distract the enemy and maybe even cut down a few stragglers while commanding your troops. You may want to even give the guy a light crossbow for some ranged attacks when you need them.As for the best slashing weapon to use from horseback, arguments can be made for pretty much anything. Short spear, single-handed/bastard/two-handed sword, mace. I personally prefer either the fastest single handed saber or the longest two-handed sword, depending on what enemy troops I'm facing. But of course, this is all very mod dependent. If I remember correctly, Pendor had a magical, craftable flamberge with piercing damage, and Floris has a Saranid single handed blade with both reach and speed over 110.


Valyrian Steel weapons are some of the best weapons in-game. Most of them only exist once and can only be gained by completing a Quest or defeating the wielder of the weapon in combat and picking up his blade. Mount and Blade: Warband is the elaboration of the actual Mount and Blade. It is a hack and slashes action adventure RPG same as the original, but Warband has developed Al, Graphics, animations, combats and especially online play. Despite being nearly a decade old, Mount & Blade: Warband remains popular, in part due to its very active mod scene. There are dozens of notable total conversion mods for the game, letting you replace its pseudo-medieval world with everything from gritty historical simulations to Star Wars.


Such weapons are obviously irrationally powerful, and whether you will enjoy them depends on you alone. Originally posted by Jide Aurelius:I'm playing Clash Of Kings and lances break on their first use. I'm used to using just a lance while mounted. What other alternative weapons perform well mounted? I'm attempting arming sword.The best weapon is the weapon with the longest reach and most damage that also allows you to carry a shield. Weapon-speed can be a factor in some situations, like if you're surrounded, but if you're mounted, you shouldn't be getting surrounded. Also, don't forget that for damage purposes, your combined weapon speed, including the speed of your horse, is used as a damage multiplier.

Even a low-quality weapon stings if you hit someone in the head with it while you're riding a charging horse.Mounted on a heavy war horse with good charge and manueverability ratings, armed with a 'hand and a half sword' (Since the forum won't allow it's other name.) wielded single-handedly, for reach, and two heavy shields, one to hold in my offhand, one on my back, and with good armor, there is nothing that can stand before a well designed character. The most effective killing machine in the game is a player armed in such a manner.

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Mount And Blade War Band Best Weapons And Armor

All respect to those who love horse archers, which are great at facing large numbers of foes, but only if they have a faster horse than anyone else, nothing beats a fully armored knight on the battlefield when leading troops against a foe. Not having a shield on horseback is dangerous, you can be knocked out by one well-placed bolt or a sword blow if you're riding very fast. Couched lance damage at high speed is also a guaranteed KO. I'd say your best bet is to go for a Shield/1H sword combo.

Mount And Blade Warband Best Bow

Even against armored foes, your speed should be enough to guarantee heavy damage.Remember you can also give point with your straight sword, turning slash damage into piercing damage. A sword length of 110 with a speed of about 100 should be more than adequate to face any enemy. Lances are instakill on pretty much anything if you're riding fast enough, but most of the times they're just overkill. Unless you're going against some very heavily armoured knight, a sword will do just fine.