Timberwolf Mountain Map Long Dark

  1. The Long Dark Region Maps
  2. The Long Dark Ravine Map
Timberwolf mountain map long dark beach

What difficuilty are you playing? Whats your warmth bonus?If you got a saw - LOOT. There are many containers with fine stuff.BUT i suggest to go the Summit. Its the place with the crashed plane on the top. Take your stuff and go there.


Or you will slowly die on cold.You can do it in 24 hours starting in the mountaineers hut. On the halfway there sleep in the indoor cave (because of the plus temperatures). Once you reach the Summit ROPE, be rested, have your climbing bar on the max and have 20 kilograms max in your backpack. You wont need anything up there. There are two ledges on the way up. REST ON BOTH of them, or you will fall down. There are many containers in the crashed plane with everything you need.

Get there arm yourself like Arnold did in COMMANDO and Timberwolf Mountain will become your favourite playground. I build a snow shelter next to the hut and sleep in it all the time = never getting cabin fever and the shelter is infinitely repairable with just a couple sticks.

The Long Dark Region Maps

Total cost if you harvest it before leaving is a couple cloths. Use your hands for breaking branches and axe for carving meat. You will never run out of wood or wear it out.

There is a section right below the summit rope with a cave and no predators. If you craft a half dozen traps you can live off rabbit until boredom makes you jump LOL. Acte dosar categoria a. The summit is cool too, but no rabbits I can recall. Plenty of wood though.I never had trouble making it up the final rope with a full pack (30 kilos) if I rest on one of the ledges.Once you have a toolkit, your hacksaw can last forever since you can repair it and use it for wood, meat, making scrap metal to repair it, etc. It is heart breaking to be on TWM and not locate a hacksaw or maintain it enough to last through all those containers on the summit LOL.

The Long Dark Ravine Map

Mystery Lake. Mystery Lake is one of the primary regions in The Long Dark and the first available for play in the Sandbox. The region is named after Mystery Lake, a lake that feeds into Carter Hydro Dam. A railway crosses the region and is mainly used in the summers supporting the local timber operation and lakeside recreation. Ideal for new. The Long Dark is a thoughtful, exploration-survival experience that challenges. Timberwolf Mountain: https://i.cubeupload.com/dAF9Az.jpg.