Transparent Taskbar Windows 8

ChangeHow to make taskbar transparent windows 8

@AnonymousYou’ve right in both cases. But if I remember when I upgraded from XP x86 to Win 7 x64 PowerMenu fails with explorer windows too (Win 7 x64) and some x64 programs are Adobe o Photoshop. I was crying after thisI already use Classic Shell because stupid people in Microsoft in Win 7 changed the option to visualize software like XP and after 3 OS since XP nobody in Microsoft has though to improve a simple thing like on top, mininize and transparency.I’m not interested to Win 10 and related new feauters (Cortana, Edge, Apps), but I’ve many software on my PC and I don’t want to loose time; when the SSD arrive I’ve too choose wich system I’ll install.But if somebody tell me that Win 10 is still unstable and is not more performant like Win 7 I’ll not do the upgrade.

May 04, 2014  how can I disable taskbar transparency in windows 8 RTM? Hi, Right click desktop - Personalize - Color - select the color which you like - adjust color intensity Is it resolved? Niki Han TechNet Community Support Is it resolved? Setting the intensity slider all the way to the right still leaves the background wallpaper bleeding through.

Why I’ve to choose Win 10? Big question However before a clean install I think I’ll do a little test with Win 10 over Win 7. The only sure thing is install Antispy too(unbelievable). My aesthetic opinion says transparent taskbar may work if all of the other “clutter” disappeared for an entirely clean desktop–no icons, no action center, no start orb, no network icon, etc. If the icon crap is needed, then one can figure out a keystroke launcher or some other feature.

Or maybe make a taskbar that is a simple floating square or circle–no taskbar, as in a stupid, idiotic, outdated wide line across the bottom of the page. It’s as bad as ruled paper in art class. If you don’t want to install the full Classic Shell, and if you only need the transparent toolbar and nothing else, install TranslucentTB. I am a bit annoyed by so many sites advising to install the whole Classic Shell, if i need just a bit of its functionality. It took my about 3 hours to get thhrough all those articles on Classic Shell and find what I wanted.PS And I’m afraid of installing Classic Shell because I have already got used to the default Windows 10 interface.The only thing I would like now is the rounded corners for windows. The 90.

Transparent Taskbar Windows 8.1

corners look too primitive.

Make taskbar transparent windows 10

Rainmeter Transparent Taskbar Windows 7

Hi Adam,You will require third party software/utility to disable transparency for the taskbar in Windows 8.1.Disclaimer: Using Third Party Software, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from booting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Third Party Software can be solved.Using Third Party Software is at your own risk.You can however try these steps to modify registry and check if that helps.a. Press Windows key + R and type regedit and hit enter to open the registry editor.b. Go to HKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsDWMc. Add DWORD value, name it as 'ColorizationOpaqueBlend' without quotes, and set value data to 0.d. Restart pc or change theme.To do so: Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly.

Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For addedprotection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.Hope this answers your query. You can write back to us for further queries/issues related to windows and we will be glad to assist you further.