How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic

  1. How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Cam
  2. How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Report
  3. How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Cam

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Hi,Check your traffic settings in setup, then have a look and see if you have the following entries in the FSX.cfg:MainDisablePreload=1User Objects=Airplane, HelicopterSimObjectPaths.0=SimObjectsAirplanesSimObjectPaths.1=SimObjectsRotorcraftSimObjectPaths.2=SimObjectsGroundVehiclesSimObjectPaths.3=SimObjectsBoatsSimObjectPaths.4=SimObjectsAnimalsSimObjectPaths.5=SimObjectsMiscI had everthing except DisablePreload=1 so I added it and loaded FSX. When it loaded I went to an airport and there was traffic at the gates although I didn't here any conversations (but I was only on it for 2 mins).Thanks for the help, if theres any more problems I'll post them up here.;-).

Can somebody please answer this.Let me ask some questions that may sound silly.Sound is on in the game? Toggle 'Q' a few times to find out. Are you on the airport 'ground' freq? Do you hear anything when you call the tower?I don't have the 'Disable preload' entry in my cfg. Don't know if it is needed. I also don't know why you got traffic after adding it.Go to Scenery/World/scenery in the FSX root folder. There should be a 'trafficAircraft' and a 'trafficBoats' file.

These are default files. Any other traffic files are add ons, and if thery are FS9 type bgls, can cause trouble. FS9 traffic files only cancel FSX traffic in your traffic zone. After 20 minutes,or so, FSX traffic starts to show up.Bob. Let me ask some questions that may sound silly.Sound is on in the game?


Toggle 'Q' a few times to find out. Are you on the airport 'ground' freq? Do you hear anything when you call the tower?I don't have the 'Disable preload' entry in my cfg. Don't know if it is needed.

I also don't know why you got traffic after adding it.Go to Scenery/World/scenery in the FSX root folder. There should be a 'trafficAircraft' and a 'trafficBoats' file. These are default files. Any other traffic files are add ons, and if thery are FS9 type bgls, can cause trouble. FS9 traffic files only cancel FSX traffic in your traffic zone.

After 20 minutes,or so, FSX traffic starts to show up.BobI did have WOAI Traffic installed and thats when it started but I totally uninstalled it and theres no FS9 type.bgl's in the Scenery/World/Scenery folder. I did have WOAI Traffic installed and thats when it started but I totally uninstalled it and theres no FS9 type.bgl's in the Scenery/World/Scenery folder.Traffic files can be in any 'active' scenery subfolder - not just in your Scenery/World/scenery folder.Install Don Grovestine's excellent (and free) AI Flight Planner utility and on the file menu there is an option to have it find any FS2004 format Traffic files on your system and convert them to FSX format. It is quick and easy.You can get the latest version of AIFP here: Also remember that Traffic files can have a totally different name - they do not necessarily have to use the word Traffic in the file name. FS looks inside bgl files and reads a header there to determine what type of bgl it is.Hope that helps. Traffic files can be in any 'active' scenery subfolder - not just in your Scenery/World/scenery folder.Install Don Grovestine's excellent (and free) AI Flight Planner utility and on the file menu there is an option to have it find any FS2004 format Traffic files on your system and convert them to FSX format.

It is quick and easy.You can get the latest version of AIFP here: Also remember that Traffic files can have a totally different name - they do not necessarily have to use the word Traffic in the file name. FS looks inside bgl files and reads a header there to determine what type of bgl it is.Hope that helps.When ever I try to find FS9 files in the FSX Scenery folder it says theres no FS9 files found. I think the following happened:- You installed WoAI traffic files (that's at least what you say you did)- WoAI's traffic.bgl files (these are the files that contains the flightplans that the AI follows) are of a FS9 type.- Because these are FS9-type, not a newer, FSX-type, you can get problems.- The problem it causes is that AI simply disappears - but only visually. They are there, you just don't see them. Try cycling around the AI traffic using the Views menu.

How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic

You should be able to cycle through all the AI traffic in your vicinity, but you won't see the AI models themselves.- The solution is simple: either deactivate aircraft shadows, or deinstall the WoAI flightplan bgl files.- Why you started seeing the AI after putting in DisablePreload = 1 is something i don't understand, nor do I know why you can't hear AI talk to ATC. Can you talk to ATC yourself?By the way, as Opa said, these FS9 type bgl files can't be recognized by the filename. In the file itself, there is a line that says what type of bgl it is, and FS reas this lin when it reads the file. So you can search all you want, but unless you open up every bgl file, you won't see what bgl type it really is. I think the following happened:- You installed WoAI traffic files (that's at least what you say you did)- WoAI's traffic.bgl files (these are the files that contains the flightplans that the AI follows) are of a FS9 type.- Because these are FS9-type, not a newer, FSX-type, you can get problems.- The problem it causes is that AI simply disappears - but only visually.

They are there, you just don't see them. Try cycling around the AI traffic using the Views menu. You should be able to cycle through all the AI traffic in your vicinity, but you won't see the AI models themselves.- The solution is simple: either deactivate aircraft shadows, or deinstall the WoAI flightplan bgl files.- Why you started seeing the AI after putting in DisablePreload = 1 is something i don't understand, nor do I know why you can't hear AI talk to ATC. Can you talk to ATC yourself?By the way, as Opa said, these FS9 type bgl files can't be recognized by the filename.

In the file itself, there is a line that says what type of bgl it is, and FS reas this lin when it reads the file. So you can search all you want, but unless you open up every bgl file, you won't see what bgl type it really is.Yes, I can talk to ATC and would you know where the WoAI.bgl's are located.

When you connect to a VPN, the VPN gateway may not become the default gateway for all of your Internet traffic. Instead, your default gateway remains the gateway of your local LAN.

The VPN gateway is used only for routing traffic through specific hosts.If this happens, it’s probably because your VPN provider configured the default connection settings so that only certain traffic goes through the VPN. For example, if you have a company VPN, the default setting might be to route traffic through the VPN gateway only when connecting to your company’s apps or sites. This configuration dramatically reduces the amount of traffic that ends up going through the VPN. It keeps the load on the company’s VPN server light.But sometimes, you want all of your traffic to go through the VPN, even if that is not how it is set up by default.

Fortunately, it’s easy enough to change your default gateway on Linux by manually reconfiguring routing tables. Here’s how.PrerequisitesThe steps below assume that you are already logged in to your VPN service. It doesn’t matter which client you use to connect, or which type of VPN server you’re connecting to.For the record, I’ll also note that I only tested these steps on Ubuntu Linux. They should work on any other mainstream Linux distribution, too, since we are working from the command line and nothing in this guide is Ubuntu-specific.

Still, I can’t guarantee that this will work for you if you run an obscure, ultra-customized distribution. Find your VPN gatewayThe first thing you need to do is identify the IP address of your VPN gateway. This involves a bit of guesswork. But that’s what makes things fun.To get a list of IP addresses to guess from, run a command like the following while you are connected to your VPN: sudo tcpdump -n -i tun0(I assume your VPN interface is called tun0.

If it’s different, adjust the command accordingly. Running ifconfig after logging in to the VPN will give you a list of all interfaces on your system.)Wait a few seconds. If you don’t get any output, connect to an app or website that you know is routed through the VPN by default to generate some VPN traffic. After you get a little bit of output, press control-C to kill the program.You should now have a fair amount of information in your terminal, which shows how packets are being routed on your VPN connection. The output will look something like this (though it may be much longer than this tiny snippet): tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decodelistening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes18:53 IP UDP, length 17318:40 IP 17371+ A?

(31)Notice from the example that traffic going to the site was routed through a host with the IP address Since we know that gateways usually (though not necessarily) have IP addresses ending in 1, there’s a good chance that this is the VPN gateway. We’ll assume it is in the following steps.If you’re not positive what the IP address of your gateway is, feel free to try the steps below with multiple candidates. The worst thing that could happen is that you will temporarily break your networking. In that case, simply rebooting the computer will set everything back to normal.Delete your default gatewayNow comes the easier part. You want to delete your current default gateway so that you can set the VPN gateway in its place. This will tell your system to route all Internet traffic through the VPN gateway.To identify your current default gateway, run: routeThe output will look something like:Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Ifacedefault UG 600 0 0 eth0link-local.

How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Cam U 1000 0 0 eth0192.168.1.0. U 600 0 0 eth0Notice the line that begins with the word “default.” The number in the Gateway column there is your current default gateway.

How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Report

Fl studio 20 download. In this case (and most cases when you’re dealing with a residential network), it’s that we’ve found the default gateway, we tell the system to delete it with: ip route del default via Adding a new gatewayAnd now comes the easiest part of all. With the local default gateway deleted, set the VPN gateway (again, that’s in our example) as the new default with: ip route add default via’s it. Now any websites, apps or other Internet-connected things you use on your system will route their traffic through your VPN service. Fixing the routes after disconnecting the VPNOne last thing you should know is that if you disconnect from the VPN, your network connection will be broken (as in, you won’t be able to connect to anything) because the system will keep trying to route traffic through the VPN gateway, which will no longer be connected.The fix is simple.

How To Toggle Thru Ai Traffic Cam

Just reverse the two previous steps by deleting the VPN gateway as your default route and adding your local gateway in its place: ip route del default via route add default via your VPN client lets you configure post-session scripts, you can easily put these commands in so that they run automatically whenever you disconnect from the VPN.