Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Mods Install

Oct 31, 2018 - A quick guide on how to install most mods for sins of a solar empire. The File Folder into the Mods-Rebellion v1.82 folder and it says it is. Numerous mods are available for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Sins supports mods internally, and the developers have went to great lengths to support modding, even incorporating numerous bug fixes made by the community into the 1.2 patch for Trinity/Diplomacy.

I have the options to skip, skip all, or break. No matter what Option I pick, I have to click though about a couple dozen different error messages, mostly newline missing errors.

I can eventually get to the main menu but when I go into a game, a bunch of features are missing and they cause more errors if I try to open a menu that contains them. Mostly abilities and level up upgrades. Is offee bad for you.

Sometimes a passive will activate and hang the game every couple second and I have to click though another error message.The game is installed through steam, but I've been running the.exe from the install folder and not through steam (mostly because I want to play around with the dav tools). Game is installed 'C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonSins of a Solar Empire Rebellion' and the mod is installed in both 'C:UsersTreyDocumentsMy GamesIronclad GamesSins of a Solar Empire RebellionMods-Rebellion v1.82' and 'C:UsersTreyDocumentsMy GamesIronclad GamesSins of a Solar Empire RebellionMods-Rebellion v1.82 Dev' (Again, so I could play with the dev tools or play normally).Errors are the same and occur at the time time if I run the game using the dev.exe and the game.exe. I've used the 'Large Address Aware.exe' on both.exe files. I also ran SoaSE:R game and dev version before installing the mod. No other mods are installed.

I've tried deleting 'EnabledMods.txt' to try and enable the mod manually but the game hangs after I try to manually enable the mod.I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to try next. Bad download maybe? Any ideas would be very helpful.

Contents Finding your Mod PathWhen you boot up Rebellion, the game searches for all the files it needs. The first place it looks is in your mod path.

If there is nothing suitable in there, the game uses the original files. To find your mod path, go on Rebellion and then Options. Select Mods and click the Show Mod Path button.

It should something like this:C:UsersDomDocumentsMy GamesIronclad GamesSins of a Solar Empire RebellionMods-Rebellion v1.52I recommend take a picture or writing this down until you memorise the location. A simple option is to create a shortcut on your desktop. The mods that you create will be folders in Mods-Rebellion v1.52.Finding reference data filesThe files that the game uses are in binary form, which is fairly useless. If you try to open one on notepad, it doesn't make much sense.

So to edit them (and make a mod) you need the text versions. You can find them online; I found mine at this website:. As these are compressed archive files, you need the right program to open them. I use jZip, because it is free. However, if you bought Rebellion on Steam, there is another way. All the files used by vanilla Rebellion are at something like:C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonSins of a Solar Empire RebellionThere will be lots of confusingly named files.

Sins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Mods InstallSins Of A Solar Empire Rebellion Mods Install

To make simple mods, you only need two folders: GameInfo and String. You also need the MANIFEST files: entity.manifest, galaxy.manifest, brush.manifest, playerPicture.manifest, and playerThemes.manifest. The GameInfo folder contains entity files: text descriptions of all the stats and attributes of a particular object, such as health, armor, weapon damage, etc.

Although they look daunting to begin with, as you progress they will become easy to read. The String folder has one file: English. In it are descriptions and names of every ship, structure, research subject, etc. All the files are still in binary though. I use the Sins Data Converter, which is found at. I downloaded the latest one. It is fairly obvious what to do, but here are some tips.

Create a COPY of the folder you want to convert on your desktop. Be very careful here.

If you mess it up you will have to unistall and reinstall Rebellion. Copy the GameInfo folder from the above place and select the in-place conversion. It saves a lot of hassle. Make sure you click the version box, so always Rebellion. Check that it is binary (bin) to text (TXT). When it has finished, you will have lots of entity files which you can open and read with notepad or word or something. Have a look through some and try to figure out what is going on.Making your first mod (Overpowered Advent)Go to the mod path that you found earlier (that should be a shortcut on your desktop) and create a new folder called Overpowered Advent.

Because you are not adding or removing files for this, all you need is a copy of the GameInfo folder. Move this into Overpowered Advent. Search for capitalship. You should get a few research subjects and a list of the 18 capital ships in the game. You may have noticed that the names of the entity files don't match up with the names in the game.

For example, the CAPITALSHIPPSIBATTLESHIP is actually the Radiance Battleship. This is okay for the easier things, like ships and structures, but gets very confusing for research subject, abilities and buffs. Anyway, open up the PSIBATTLESHIP.

I will go into a detailed breakdown of this ship on another page later. Scroll down a bit and you come to this bit:basePrice (how much it cost to make)credits 3000.000000metal 400.000000crystal 250.000000slotCount 50.000000 (how many ship slots it takes up)BuildTime 75.000000 (how long it takes to build)MaxHullPointsStartValue 2640.000000 (starting hull points)ValueIncreasePerLevel 108.000000 (the increase in hull points for each level)MaxShieldPointsStartValue 2100.000000 (starting shield points)ValueIncreasePerLevel 216.000000 (the increase in shield points for each level)Now change the MaxHullPoints to 5000 and the Max Shield Points to 5000 too. Save the file and exit it. The game does NOT require files in the mod folders to be in binary form, although it will be slower loading. Open Rebellion and go to Options, Mods, and there should be a mod on the right hand list- your mod, Overpowered Advent. Enable it and then click Apply Changes. The game will load again (it is checking whether you have any files or folders in your mod) and then you will be back to the title screen.


Start a new game as the Advent, and hey presto! You have an improved capital ship.Making your second mod (Overpowered Advent)We are going to continue on our theme on making the Advent overpowered, this time by modifying the weapons of the Radiance Battleship.

Moddb Sins Of A Solar Rebellion

Go to the GameInfo folder in your Overpowered Advent folder. Open up the PSIBATTLESHIP again. I will explain as I go along.