Supreme Commander 2 Unit Cap

Where to start? I agree, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance was way better than Supreme Commander 2. Me and my buddies still have 8 player LAN parties all the time playing that game, none of us play Supreme Commander 2 anymore. The biggest difference between Supreme Commander 1 and 2 is the economy and the scale.In Supreme Commander everything was expressed in rates of how fast energy and mass were coming in, and when you built things it built at a rate instead of paying the bulk of the resources up front. Unfortunately this would stall a lot of players because they would start building tons of things and their rate of resources needed would far exceed the amount of resources that were coming in and nothing would get built and they wouldn't know how to recover. Maps were huge and you could have up to 1000 units.

There was no tech tree like the one in Supreme Commander 2, you didn't upgrade your units on the fly, you had to build more advanced factories to build more complex units. Units often had firing ranges beyond their line of sight which meant using radar was critical.

Scout units and intelligence were also crucial. Above all Supreme Commander 1 was a game about economics. Players had to intellegently use their resources to claim more resources until they could overcome their enemy, or if you had a weaker economy, identify a critical weakness through intelligence and use certain units to exploit that weakness and destroy the enemy's commander.Maps were huge, I mean HUGE. 81x81km, playing Supreme Commander 2 feels like playing in a kids sandbox compared to the vast world of Supreme Commander 1. In Supreme Commander 2 they dumbed down everything. You have to buy everything with the resources up front, if you find a weakness in your strategy you can quickly use the tech tree to adapt, you can adapt any unit to any role with enough points on the tech tree. You can't buy anything on credit meaning you have to micromanage even more.

Supreme Commander 2 - Is it worth it? Disappointing factors: 1) Not as grand in terms of scale, size, unit cap and map like its predecessors. 2) Pointless campaign missions (without going into details on progression of story) 3) Have to have a steam account and steam sign up to play. Supreme Commander 2 is a real-time strategy (RTS) video game developed by Gas Powered Games and published by Square Enix. 3 4 5 It is a sequel to Supreme Commander. A Windows -only demo was initially released via Steam on February 24, 2010, with the full game released on March 2, 2010. Supreme Commander 2 cuts out many of the units from the first game, simplifies the research system, and even manages to reduce the scale all the while being less graphically complex.

Supreme Commander 2 Instant Build

Maps were scaled down to tiny sizes, the unit count is lower. Games play out fast favoring tactics over strategy. The game pace is fast often finishing in under half an hour when in Supreme Commander 1 games could for several hours.Supreme Commander 2 is an odd game. People who loved Supreme Commander 1 hate Supreme Commander 2.

Supreme Commander 2 Unit Cap

Supreme Commander 2 Unit Cap

Supreme Commander 2 Unit Cap Mod

Those who hated Supreme Commander 1 probably didn't try Supreme Commander 2. Supreme Commander 2, to fans of Forged Alliance, is a stupid, dumbed down real-time tactics game. Matches play out as matches of cheap tactics to accumulate research points, your commander acts like a character from DOTA and if you can get more research points and get to your build the fastest you can annihilate your enemy within minutes.Supreme Commander was a game of gathering intelligence, economic control, flexing muscle, speculation, ruse, careful planning, guerilla tactics, fierce resource management, heavy analysis of unit strengths and weaknesses. Supreme Commander 2 destroyed everything that was good about Supreme Commander 1 and changed the game completely.Worst $50 I've ever spent. The fact me and my friends still play FA to this day speaks volumes.

Sometimes we just sit down and watch replays of games past, even though they can be hours long because they are that entertaining. No other game has had me sweat bullets quite like a lan match of FA. Building plans to defend your commander and infilitrate the weaknesses of your enemy, it was real time STRATEGY at its finest at a huge scale. Sorry, I'm ranting. Supreme Commander 2 is not a terrible game, it's a decent real time strategy game by every other standard, but it doesn't hold a candle to FA. Marfoo covers it pretty well.SupCom 2 was just dull. SupCom/FA was a constant challenge as the AI would push back hard, even in the campaign (I remember having my naval supremacy wiped out by the computer when I overextended and then stuck battling its fleet with my base defences in one tense game).


If you ever managed to build one of the Super-Units in SupCom, it was a huge achievement due to the vast amount of resources you had to plough into it, SupCom2 made them easier to build and easier to kill, taking away the whole point of them.I sat through 3 hours of SupCom2 and stopped playing because of the boredom it inflicted. Ok so that eliminates Supcom 2But which is better FA or 1???P.S. Thanks for the help guys Dovahkiin4201 FA is better than 1.

Supreme Commander's economy was balanced such that turtling and 'mass farming' was the winning strategy, meaning a talented player this way through careful planning had to do little expanding. FA rebalanced it such that there is much more emphasis on expanding and claiming resources on the map making turtling extremely hard. Low tier resource harvesting structures were extremely cost effective whereas more expensive or conversion structures were much much less cost effective, meaning expansion and control of resource became the name of the game. Marfoo pretty much explains all the reasons. I would explain the reasons behind reasons.Supreme Commander 1 Forged Alliance: Great game, worthy successor to Total Annhilation games.

Its innovative, its got good graphics and sounds and is also complex.Supreme Commander 2: Its the typical developors got greedy story. They wanted more customers, so they decided to betray the original fans and dumbed down the game and completely changed pretty much everything which has resulted in a crappy game and probably the end of the franchise.