Fallout 3 Factions You Can Join

  1. Fallout 4 Factions
Fallout 3 Factions You Can Join

One of the most fun things you can do in the game is find and join one of the many factions in the West Virginia Wasteland. A number of Fallout 4 Players wanted more than one faction to end with, but the game story didn't allow you to. This Trick will help you alter some of the original game story and by the end of the final mission 'Nuclear Option' you will have all 3 faction - Railroad, Minutemen, and the Institute.

Does anyone know the faction ID for companion/followers? And is the console command to remove one from the faction the same as oblivion and Skyrim?I was an idiot and did the quest 'The Lost Initiate' and now Hoss is now a permanent follower without any commands. He runs behind me and if I try talking he just says thanks for saving the idi.initiate. I know I can use the console command Kill and he will drop like a rock and I wont lose Karma but I would prefer to have more NPC's in the game that are not trying to kill me on site. So I would prefer to keep him alive. I also do not want to install the GECK because that is addictive for me and I will end up playing half as much as I would be adding to the game, near twice as much time in the CK as I did playing Skyrim, So I am asking for the numbers to avoid getting addicted to modding it.If anyone has access to editing the WIKI, here are some things you can add to it, quest ID numbers for quests that don't have them, quest stages, and the companion/follower faction ID number. All that was done within the first week of Skyrim's release and all elder Scrolls wiki's have ID numbers for everything.

Fallout's wiki. Anyway ID numbers are an immense help.Thanks for any help with the ID numbers. Had a similar problem with Paladin Hoss and that quest of his. In my case though, I had a strange experience with him from start to finish. First of all, I had to resurrect the guy twice to even talk to him cuz the muties killed him before I had a chance to intervene. Then when I went in to save the initiate, he was seemingly dead no matter what I did. Ended up having to resurrect him too - just to see what reward there was.

All fallout 3 factions

Fallout 4 Factions

The payoff was 3 more guys following me around! Then my game was acting weird after that, even after leaving that zone. Followers weren't following, a couple crashes,etc.Hoss then popped up out of nowhere when I was exiting the Underground Hideout and proceeded to gun down all my guards. So I had to reload from the autosave when I exited the hideout and quickly pause the game with the console key before he had a chance to act again.To make a long story short (sorry for detailing but thought others might like to hear), all I did to get rid of him was to click on him while in the console and then enter 'Disable'. Figured at least that way I wasn't killing him and making enemies of the Brotherhood or anything like that. My game seemed to settle down after that too so it didn't seem to have any negative consequences or lingering effects.I did make a note of his ID so I could revive him later should the need arise though. Hopefully, this is an acceptable way to deal with the situation right?.