How To Insert Footnote In Word

  1. How To Insert Footnote In Word 2016
How To Insert Footnote In Word

Simply press CTRL + ALT + F to insert a footnote. Footnote Formatting. As already mentioned, every new footnote you create will have it assigned the next coming number. This way, throughout your document, footnotes will be numbered starting from ‘i’. Advance Formatting in Microsoft Word: Insert a Section Break. How to Use Footnotes in Microsoft Word 2010 Zainul Franciscus @howtogeek Updated July 25, 2018, 12:56am EDT A footnote is a note that appears at the bottom of a page that is commonly used by writers to cite other authors publication in their document.

How To Insert Footnote In Word 2016

By default, Word places endnotes at the end of the document, which is what most of us want. But you're not stuck with that arrangement. Word will position endnotes at the end of a section, if you tell it to.

Most of us won't ever need this much flexibility, but if you do, you'll appreciate this feature.Here's how to position endnotes at the end of a section, instead of at the end of the document:. From the Insert menu, choose References and then select Footnote. In the resulting Footnote and Endnote dialog box, click the Endnotes option. Choose End of Section from the Endnotes dropdown list. Click Apply.If you're using Word 2007, follow these steps.

How To Insert Footnote In WordHow to insert footnote in word table

Simply enter text and notes as you normally would. When you're ready to start a new section, enter a break by choosing Break from the Insert menu and then selecting the Next Page option (Section Break Types) in the Break dialog box. Left to the default setting, Word will let you enter text after an endnote, but it will interpret it as part of the endnote, and not a new section.I use this feature to group notes at the end of their respective chapters. This arrangement suits me be better than traditional footnotes or grouping all notes at the end of a manuscript.

.To browse footnotes and endnotes, click the References tab. In the Footnotes group, use the Next Footnote button’s menu to browse between footnote and endnote references.You can preview a footnote’s or endnote’s contents by hovering the mouse pointer at the superscripted number in the document’s text.Use the Show Notes button (References tab, Footnotes group) to examine footnotes or endnotes as they appear on the page.To delete a footnote or an endnote, highlight its reference number in the text and press the Delete key. Word magically renumbers any remaining footnotes or endnotes.To convert a footnote to an endnote, right-click the footnote’s text at the bottom of the page. Choose the command Convert to Endnote. Likewise, you can convert endnotes to footnotes by right-clicking the endnote text and choosing the command Convert to Footnote.