Navy Can Your Command Deny Your Siq Chit

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Air Force Quarters Slip


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You will be hearing/seeing a lot of abbreviations and terms that are just used in the. Aka a chit, and has it signed off by his/her immediate chain of command. OPSEC is simply denying the enemy information that could harm you or yours (as a. SIQ: Sick in Quarters; Recruits who are ill or injured, but not bad enough to. Dec 28, 2009  Answers. You do not decide they decide for you. If you are to sick to carry on with the rest of the work day the will give you an SIQ Chit (Sick in Quarters) and you will have the day off but you are restricted to your rack. You cant just get off and do what you want they will bring your meal to you and you will lay there all day.